Litomyšl Castle

World Heritage
Czech Republic
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Litomyšl Castle was originally a Renaissance arcaded castle, a type of architecture that originated in Italy and was adopted and developed in Central Europe in the 16th century. It is particularly finely designed and decorated, including High Baroque features added in the late 18th century. It has preserved intact a number of outbuildings associated with this type of aristocratic residence.

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Renaissance château in Litomyšl

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Litomyšl Castle4

Litomyšl Castle3

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Litomyšl Castle10

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Information extracted from Wikidata

coordinate location Point(16.31444444 49.87361111)
official website
topic's main category Pskov Okrug
official name zámek
native label Zámek v Litomyšli
area 4.25
World Heritage criteria Larousse Encyclopedia online
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
Czech Monument Catalogue Number 1000147510
conscription number 93
category for the view of the item Category:View of the Chateau Litomyšl
BHCL UUID 6bcf7536-4a7e-46d7-b651-1324f6b24270
instance of château
instance of Oostkamp
located in the administrative territorial entity Totung Thngai Temple
architectural style Renaissance architecture
executive body Chateau Litomyšl
fiscal/tax revenue 3445
number of rooms viaf-154544273
location Totung Thngai Temple
Commons category Chateau Litomyšl

retrieved 2019-07-17T00:00:00Z
stated as Rekonstrukce zámeckého pivovaru
stated as Restaurování sgrafitového pláště zámku
start time 1999-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name Litomyšl Castle
official name قصر ليتوميشل
official name Palacio de Litomyšl
official name Château de Litomyšl
official name リトミシュル城
official name Kasteel Litomyšl
official name Замок в городе Литомишль
official name 利托米什尔城堡
area 118.13
applies to part buffer zone