Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran

World Heritage
Islamic Republic of Iran
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The Armenian monastic complex in Iran is located in the northwest of the country and consists of three Armenian Christian monastic complexes: the Monastery of Saint Thadius, the Monastery of Saint Stepanos and the Church of Zor-Zor. These buildings - the oldest of which is the Monastery of Saint Thadius - are built on ancient structures dating back to the 7th century AD and are examples of outstanding universal value in the Armenian architectural and decorative tradition. They bear witness to important exchanges between Armenia and other regional cultures, especially Byzantine, Orthodox and Persian. As the main area of the Armenian cultural space, located on the southeastern edge of Armenia, the monasteries were the main centers for the dissemination of this culture in the region. They are the last regional remains of this culture, which still retain a satisfactory level of integrity and authenticity. Moreover, as a local pilgrimage, the monastic communities are living witnesses of the Armenian religious traditions over the centuries.

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