Maya Site of Copan
World Heritage
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One of the most important sites of Mayan civilization, the ruins of Copan were discovered by Diego García de Palacio in 1570 and remained unexcavated until the 19th century. The ruins of the citadel and the magnificent public square reveal three major stages of development of the city before it was abandoned in the early 10th century.
# Mayan civilization
# Diego Garcia de Palacio
# 1570
# ruined castle
# Public Square
# Three main stages of development
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Information extracted from Wikidata
executive body | Copán |
WOEID | 99119 |
IPA transcription | 2094987 |
office held by head of the organization | |
Commons category | Copán |
coordinate location | Point(-89.1425 14.8375) |
topic's main category | Category:Copán |
WOEID | 99119 |
area | 15.095 |
World Heritage criteria | Larousse Encyclopedia online |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (vi) |
image | |
start time | 1980-01-01T00:00:00Z |
official name | موقع كوبان العائد لحضارة المايا |
official name | Maya Site of Copan |
official name | Sitio maya de Copán |
official name | Site maya de Copán |
official name | コパンのマヤ遺跡 |
official name | Maya gebied van Copán |
official name | Город индейцев майя Копан |
official name | 科潘玛雅古迹遗址 |
volume as quantity | Larousse Encyclopedia online |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (vi) |
twinned administrative body | Harima Plain |
start time | 1996-04-11T00:00:00Z |