Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores

World Heritage
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Angra, located on one of the islands of the Azores, was a port of call from the 15th century until the advent of steam engines in the 19th century. The 400-year-old fortifications of São Sebastian and São João Baptista are unique examples of military architecture. Angra was damaged in the 1980 earthquake and is currently under restoration.

Hélder Fragueiro Antunes, tech executive

A young Almeida Garret, during the Napoleonic invasions escaped, along with his family to Angra, whe...

Angra do Heroísmo as seen in 1671

An engraving of Angra showing the Fort of São João Baptista

1595 Engraving by Jan Huygen van Linschoten, showing the extensive cultivated lands of the Achada Pl...

The massive shield volcano of Santa Bárbara, the highest peak on the island of Terceira

After a time in London, former Emperor Pedro I of Brazil joined liberal forces in Angra do Heroísmo,...

Ngungunhane, the Lion of Gaza, was captured by Portuguese forces after his rebellion in Portuguese W...

King António, Prior of Crato, who ruled Portugal from Angra during the 16th-century succession crisi...

The city of Angra, surrounded by the green landscapes of Monte Brasil and Serra do Morião

Angra do Heroísmo

Downtown Angra

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Information extracted from Wikidata

uses 4085790-6
country Portugal
image http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Cidade%20de%20Angra%20do%20Hero%C3%ADsmo%2C%20ilha%20Terceira%2C%20A%C3%A7ores.jpg
flag image http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Pt-agh1.png
coat of arms image http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Angra%20do%20Hero%C3%ADsmo%2C%20Azores%2C%20Portugal%20%28bras%C3%B5es%29.png
located in the administrative territorial entity Herford
contains administrative territorial entity São Bento
contains administrative territorial entity São Bartolomeu de Regatos
contains administrative territorial entity Cinco Ribeiras
contains administrative territorial entity Terra Chã
contains administrative territorial entity Raminho
contains administrative territorial entity Santa Bárbara
twinned administrative body Évora
executive body Angra do Heroísmo
U.S. National Archives Identifier 10038041
WOEID 537873
official language Herford
IPA transcription 1822044
territory overlaps 4301
floruit Angra+do+Heroísmo
number of rooms lccn-n82161464
office held by head of the organization http://g.co/kg/m/048lx6
postal code 9701
part of Middle Ages
Commons category Angra do Heroísmo
patron saint John the Evangelist
located in time zone William I, Elector of Hesse
pronunciation audio http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Pt-pt%20Angra%20do%20Hero%C3%ADsmo%20FF.ogg
start time 2013-05-17T00:00:00Z
local dialing code 292
inception 1478-01-01T00:00:00Z
coordinate location Point(-27.215277777 38.655833333)
named as Angra do Heroísmo (Portugalsko)
day in year for periodic occurrence June 24
official website http://www.cm-ah.pt/
topic's main category Category:Angra do Heroísmo
page banner http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Angra%20do%20Heroismo%20banner.jpg
Dewey Decimal Classification 2--4699
U.S. National Archives Identifier 10038041
WOEID 537873
capital of Herford
official name Angra do Heroísmo
native label Angra do Heroísmo
elevation above sea level 0
area 237.52
area 239

population 35581
point in time 2001-01-01T00:00:00Z
population 35402
point in time 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z
described by source The Nuttall Encyclopædia
stated as An′gra