Castel del Monte
World Heritage
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Emperor Frederick II built the castle near Bari in the 13th century, giving it symbolic significance, reflected in its location, its layout with mathematical and astronomical precision, and its perfectly regular shape. Castello del Monte is a unique medieval military building that successfully combines elements from the Classical period, the Islamic East, and the Northern European Cistercian Gothic.
# 13th century
# Frederick II
# Barry
# Medieval military architecture
# Classical period
# Islamic East
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Fireplace remains.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/360' panorama of Castel del Monte's courtyard.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Courtyard.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Castel del Monte seen from above.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Entrance.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Octagonal footprint of the castle.png)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Capital with faun head.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/View from the courtyard.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Castel del Monte.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Castel del Monte/Throne room.jpg)
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Information extracted from Wikidata
founded by | Brazil |
owned by | Council of Ministers of Italy |
made from material | limestone |
made from material | Ribeira Grande de Santiago |
executive body | Castel del Monte |
location of creation | Castel del Monte |
male population | 631462 |
short name | +39-0883-524-5540 |
IPA transcription | 2051100 |
Wolfram Language entity code | Entity["Castle", "CastelDelMonte"] |
ELSTAT geographical code | castel-del-monte |
number of rooms | lccn-no2006053744 |
office held by head of the organization | |
postal code | 70031 |
Commons category | Castel del Monte |
inception | 1240-02-05T00:00:00Z |
coordinate location | Point(16.2709346 41.0847535) |
official website | |
official website | |
Commons gallery | Castel del Monte |
e-mail address | |
time of earliest written record | 1240-01-01T00:00:00Z |
phone number | +39-0883-569997 |
start time | 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z |
date of official opening | 1240-02-05T00:00:00Z |
native label | Castel del Monte |
height | 26 |
width | 40 |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (i) |
directions | urban bus line 6 departs from Andria Railway Station to Castel del Monte from April to October. The online timetables and those posted at the bus stop are incorrect. The actual workday departure times are: 09:00, 10:00, 11:30, 13:30 and 15:40. The afternoon return times are 12:10, 14:00, 16:10 and 19:30 |
fax number | +39-0883-524-5540 |
plan view image | |
Wolfram Language entity code | Entity["Castle", "CastelDelMonte"] |
image of interior | |
street address | località Castel del Monte - Andria |
Atlas Obscura identifier | castel-del-monte |
adjacent station | Brazil |
uses | 4009565-4 |
image | |
instance of | Ténéré |
visitors per year | 206924 |
point in time | 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z |