Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur

World Heritage
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The capital of the ancient kingdom of Egypt is home to some extraordinary funerary monuments, including rock-cut tombs, ornate mastabas, temples and pyramids. In ancient times, the site was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

A 3-D scan of the colossal sculpture of Ramesses II in Memphis museum, Egypt

Ruins of the palace of Apries, in Memphis

Rameses II flanked by Ptah and Sekhmet

Sculpture from the Middle Kingdom restored in the name of Rameses II

Ankhefenmut kneels before the royal cartouche of Siamun, on a lintel from the Temple of Amun in Memp...

Relief representing the High Priest of Ptah, Shoshenq

Alexander at the Temple of Apis in Memphis, by Andre Castaigne (1898–1899)

The ruins of the temple of Hathor of Memphis

Column depicting Merenptah making an offering to Ptah

Museum worker in the process of cleaning the Rameses II colossus

A statue of the sacred bull, Apis, found at the Serapeum of Saqqara

Artist's depiction of the western forecourt of the Great Temple of Ptah at Memphis

Ruins of the pillared hall of Ramesses IIat Mit Rahina

Memphis and its necropolis Saqqara as seen from the International Space Station

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Information extracted from Wikidata

elevation above sea level 20
area 155.16
country Egypt
executive body Memphis, Egypt
location of creation Memphis (Égypte)
KulturNav-ID 21493
IPA transcription 2203709
visitors per year 10176a
office held by head of the organization
part of Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur
Commons category Memphis, Egypt
coordinate location Point(31.25934 29.85412)
Commons gallery Memphis (Égypte)
page banner
described by source Amsterdam
described by source Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus

heritage designation Category:Views of Pienza
part of Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur
start time 1979-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name Site of Memphis
described by source The Nuttall Encyclopædia
stated as Memphis