Grimeton Radio Station, Varberg

World Heritage
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Varberg Radio Station (1922-24) in Grimeton, southern Sweden, is a well-preserved monument to early transatlantic radio communications. It consists of transmission equipment, including an antenna system on six 127-meter-high steel towers. Although no longer in regular use, the equipment remains in operational condition. The 109.9-hectare site includes the buildings that housed the original Alexanderson transmitter, including the tower with antenna, the shortwave transmitter with antenna, and a residential area with staff accommodation. Architect Carl Åkerblad designed the main building in a neoclassical style, and structural engineer Henrik Kreüger was responsible for the antenna tower, which was Sweden's tallest building at the time. The site is an outstanding example of the development of telecommunications and the only surviving example of a large-scale transmitting station based on pre-electronic technology.

Interior of transmitter hall showing Alexanderson alternator

Principle of a multipole generator for creating radio frequencies

Grimeton World Heritage entrance hall

Interior of transmitter hall showing control panel for alternator

Grimeton Radio Station, Varberg 8

Log-periodic shortwave antenna beside the transmitter building

Alexanderson alternator in the Grimeton VLF transmitter. The drive motor is at the extreme right; th...

1900 meter (1.2 mile) flattop antenna

Grimeton Radio Station, Varberg 9

Alexanderson alternator in the Grimeton VLF transmitter. The drive motor is at the extreme right th...

VLF transmitter Grimeton

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Information extracted from Wikidata

population Tepic, Nayarit
number of rooms viaf-238160464
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Varberg Radio Station
officially opened by Tepic, Nayarit
inception 1924-01-01T00:00:00Z
inception 1925-06-02T00:00:00Z
coordinate location Point(12.404417 57.113983)
native label Radiostationen i Grimeton
Instagram username worldheritagegrimeton
area 109.09
frequency 17.2
call sign SAQ
World Heritage criteria Larousse Encyclopedia online
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
quantity 20
country Sweden
instance of radio station
instance of architectural ensemble
start time 1996-10-11T00:00:00Z
located in the administrative territorial entity Category:Laponian Area
executive body Varberg Radio Station

official website
language of work or name German
language of work or name English
language of work or name Swedish
Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI
Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI raa/bbr/21300000016135
start time 2004-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name إذاعة فاربورغ
official name Grimeton Radio Station, Varberg
official name Emisora de Radio Varberg
official name Station radio Grimeton, Varberg
official name グリメトン・ラジオ無線局、ヴァールベリ
official name Varberg radiostation
official name Радиостанция Варберг
official name 威堡广播站
heritage designation individual listed building complex
start time 1996-10-11T00:00:00Z
heritage designation individual listed building complex
start time 2004-08-20T00:00:00Z
area 3854
applies to part buffer zone
media legend VLF transmitter Grimeton