Heritage with Related Tags
Tiberias Palace
<p>The Tiébélé Palace is a complex of earthen buildings built since the 16th century that embodies the social organization and cultural values of the Kasena people. The palace is surrounded by a protective wall, with walls and corridors that divide the inner complex into different areas and lead to ceremonial and gathering places outside the wall. The palace was built by the men of the palace, and then painted with symbolic elements by the women members of the palace. Women are the only keepers of the relevant knowledge and they ensure the continuation of this tradition. </p>
Historic Centre of Sighişoara
Founded by German craftsmen and merchants known as the Transylvanian Saxons, Sighişoara is a typical small medieval fortified town that for centuries played an important strategic and commercial role on the edge of Central Europe.
Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania
These Transylvanian villages and their fortified churches vividly portray the cultural landscape of southern Transylvania. Founded by Transylvanian Saxons, these seven villages are characterized by a specific land use system, settlement patterns, and family farm organization that have been preserved since the late Middle Ages. The villages are dominated by fortified churches that display architectural styles from the 13th to the 16th centuries.