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Christiansfeld, a Moravian Church Settlement
Founded in 1773 in South Jutland, the site is an example of a planned settlement by the Moravian Church, a free Lutheran parish in the centre of Herrnhut, Saxony. The town plan was built around a central church square and embodied Protestant urban ideals. The architectural style was monolithic and unadorned, with one- and two-storey buildings made of yellow brick with red tile roofs. The democratic organisation and pioneering egalitarian philosophy of the Moravian Church were reflected in its humanistic town planning. The settlement plan led to agricultural land and included important buildings for the public welfare, such as large communal houses for the parish's widows and unmarried men and women. These buildings are still in use and many are still owned by the local Moravian Church.
Petäjävesi Old Church
The Old Church of Petäjävesi in central Finland was built from logs between 1763 and 1765. This Lutheran country church is a typical example of the unique architectural tradition of Eastern Scandinavia. It combines the centrally planned church concept of the Renaissance with ancient forms derived from the Gothic quadrangular vault.