Jianghe Haozi (Yellow River Haozi)
River haozi refers to the various songs sung by boatmen on the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and its tributaries. In the sections of the river with sharp bends and complex topography, it is extremely difficult to sail, and boatmen can only pull the boats forward. Boatmen's songs have also become richer. According to the different sailing conditions, river haozi can be divided into multiple types, including the relaxed "launching haozi", the soothing "flat water haozi", and the highly tense and almost shouting "surfacing haozi" and "desperate haozi". Since ancient times, the Yellow River has been flooding continuously. In the process of fighting against floods, the ancestors of the Chinese nation gradually formed a sound with a certain rhythm, a certain pattern, and a certain fluctuation in order to better cooperate. This is the earliest Yellow River haozi. The Yellow River haozi was born in the "Hangyu Hangyu" sound of the ancestors. After 5,000 years of development and improvement, various types have been formed in the Yellow River region, such as emergency haozi, tamping haozi, boatmen's haozi, etc. Among them, the emergency call is divided into four types: horse call, sheep call, small official call, and flower call, which are mainly used for piling, pulling horse, pulling pillow rope, pushing pillow, etc. There are also many types of tamping call, mainly including old call, new call, reserve call, missing call, emergency wind, board call, big Dinggang call, Ding call, overlapping call, two-person call, etc. The Yellow River call has leading singing and chorus singing. Its tune is high-pitched and exciting, the rhythm is steady and powerful, and the mode and tonality change frequently. In relatively relaxed labor, the "leading sentence" and "harmony sentence" of the call are longer; while in more intense labor, the "leading sentence" and "harmony sentence" are very short. Most of the time, the "harmony sentence" is sung after the "leading sentence", but there are also cases where the "harmony sentence" enters before the "leading sentence" ends, and the two parts overlap. The intense labor and heavy load have made the Yellow River call form the characteristics of singing in the form of shouting and shouting, and the call has been continued in the roaring singing of the people along the Yellow River from generation to generation. The Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, has nurtured the Chinese civilization for 5,000 years, leaving behind countless precious intangible cultural heritages. The Yellow River Haozi is the soul of the Yellow River and the root of the Chinese nation, and it occupies an extremely important position in the Yellow River culture. At present, with the development of mechanization, the production methods along the Yellow River have changed greatly. The development of the Yellow River Haozi, which is associated with the labor skills of the farming era, has stagnated, and there are few people who can pass it on. Now most people who master the Haozi are around 80 years old, and only a few have a clear memory. The Yellow River Haozi is facing the danger of being lost and needs to be protected urgently. (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.) (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.)