Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text

The text related to the cultural heritage 'State Historical and Cultural Park “Ancient Merv”' has mentioned 'Central Asia' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence Text Source
Major city in Central Asia
Merv (Turkmen: Merw, xd0x9cxd0xb5xd1x80xd0xb2, xd9x85xd8xb1xd9x88; Persian: xd9x85xd8xb1xd9x88xe2x80x8e, Marv), also known as the Merve Oasis, formerly known as Alexandria (Greek: xe1xbcx88xcexbbxcexb5xcexbexcexacxcexbdxcexb4xcfx81xcexb5xcexb9xcexb1) and Antiochia in Margiana (Greek: xe1xbcx88xcexbdxcfx84xcexb9xcfx8cxcfx87xcexb5xcexb9xcexb1 xe1xbcxa1 xe1xbcx90xcexbd xcfx84xe1xbfx87 xcex9cxcexb1xcfx81xcexb3xcexb9xcexb1xcexbdxe1xbfx87) was a major Iranian city in Central Asia, on the historical Silk Road, located near today's Mary in Turkmenistan.
[11] Using the city as their base, the Arabs, led by Qutayba ibn Muslim from 705 to 715, brought under subjection large parts of Central Asia, including Balkh, Bokhara, and Fergana.
The city was notable as a home for immigrants from the Arab lands as well as for those from Sogdia and elsewhere in Central Asia (Herrmann 1999).
By 1868 the Russians had taken most of Russian Central Asia except Turkmenistan.
Kushks (Persian, Kushk, "pavilion", "kiosk"), which comprise the chief remains of Abbasid Merv, are a building type unique to Central Asia during this period.
It is believed by some [sources] that the kepter khana (there are more elsewhere in Merv and Central Asia) was indeed a pigeon roost used to raise pigeons, in order to collect their dung which is used in growing the melons for which Merv was famous.
The State Historical and Cultural Park xe2x80x9cAncient Mervxe2x80x9d is the oldest and most completely preserved of the oasis cities along the Silk Roads in Central Asia.
Criterion (ii): The cities of the Merv oasis have exerted considerable influence over the cultures of Central Asia and Iran for four millennia.
Criterion (iii): The sequence of the cities of the Merv oasis, their fortifications, and their urban lay-outs bear exceptional testimony to the civilizations of Central Asia over several millennia.