Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text
The text related to the cultural heritage 'State Historical and Cultural Park “Ancient Merv”' has mentioned 'Central Asia' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence | Text Source |
Major city in Central Asia | WIKI |
Merv (Turkmen: Merw, xd0x9cxd0xb5xd1x80xd0xb2, xd9x85xd8xb1xd9x88; Persian: xd9x85xd8xb1xd9x88xe2x80x8e, Marv), also known as the Merve Oasis, formerly known as Alexandria (Greek: xe1xbcx88xcexbbxcexb5xcexbexcexacxcexbdxcexb4xcfx81xcexb5xcexb9xcexb1) and Antiochia in Margiana (Greek: xe1xbcx88xcexbdxcfx84xcexb9xcfx8cxcfx87xcexb5xcexb9xcexb1 xe1xbcxa1 xe1xbcx90xcexbd xcfx84xe1xbfx87 xcex9cxcexb1xcfx81xcexb3xcexb9xcexb1xcexbdxe1xbfx87) was a major Iranian city in Central Asia, on the historical Silk Road, located near today's Mary in Turkmenistan. | WIKI |
[11] Using the city as their base, the Arabs, led by Qutayba ibn Muslim from 705 to 715, brought under subjection large parts of Central Asia, including Balkh, Bokhara, and Fergana. | WIKI |
The city was notable as a home for immigrants from the Arab lands as well as for those from Sogdia and elsewhere in Central Asia (Herrmann 1999). | WIKI |
By 1868 the Russians had taken most of Russian Central Asia except Turkmenistan. | WIKI |
Kushks (Persian, Kushk, "pavilion", "kiosk"), which comprise the chief remains of Abbasid Merv, are a building type unique to Central Asia during this period. | WIKI |
It is believed by some [sources] that the kepter khana (there are more elsewhere in Merv and Central Asia) was indeed a pigeon roost used to raise pigeons, in order to collect their dung which is used in growing the melons for which Merv was famous. | WIKI |
The State Historical and Cultural Park xe2x80x9cAncient Mervxe2x80x9d is the oldest and most completely preserved of the oasis cities along the Silk Roads in Central Asia. | UNESCO |
Criterion (ii): The cities of the Merv oasis have exerted considerable influence over the cultures of Central Asia and Iran for four millennia. | UNESCO |
Criterion (iii): The sequence of the cities of the Merv oasis, their fortifications, and their urban lay-outs bear exceptional testimony to the civilizations of Central Asia over several millennia. | UNESCO |