Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text

The text related to the cultural heritage 'Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi' has mentioned 'Tile' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence Text Source
[1] Among the techniques devised for tile decoration are:[21]
Bannaxe2x80x99i technique: the "builder's technique," consists of revetment of glazed bricks set within unglazed ones to form geometric patterns Haftrangi: a technique that permits the creation of multi-colored patterns on the same tile before firing without letting the colors mix Faience: a patterned arrangement of closely fitted small pieces of tiles which have surface glaze of different colors
Timurid tile work did not merely embellish a building as an 'applied' decoration.
Most tile patterns were based on a complex system of proportions and measurements or girih.
The tile work was also used to obscure the structural joints of the building.
Bibi-Khanum Mosque: the world's largest mosque when it was completed in 1404;[24] it displays Timur's concern for monumental effect and theatrical arrangement Gur-i-Amir Mausoleum: the burial place of Timur; it contains a double shell dome for the achievement of a vertical effect Shah-i Zinda Complex: a funerary complex presenting the pinnacle of every tile technique known to the Timurids Registan: considered the pinnacle of Timurid architecture;[24] a broad plaza fronted by the towering edifices of three madrassas (Islamic schools), even if none of them were commissioned by Timur himself and were built in a later period by Ulug Beg and Governor Yalangtush.