Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text

The text related to the cultural heritage 'Historic Centre of Vienna' has mentioned 'Baroque' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence Text Source
[16] Vienna's ancestral roots lie in early Celtic and Roman settlements that transformed into a Medieval and Baroque city.
The historic center of Vienna is rich in architectural ensembles, including Baroque palaces and gardens, and the late-19th-century Ringstraxc3x9fe lined with grand buildings, monuments and parks.
UNESCO is concerned about the height of high-rise development in Vienna as it can dramatically influence the visual integrity of the city,[73] specifically the baroque palaces.
The Liechtenstein Palace contains much of one of the world's largest private art collections, especially strong in the Baroque.
A variety of architectural styles can be found in Vienna, such as the Romanesque Ruprechtskirche and the Baroque Karlskirche.
Many of Vienna's parks include monuments, such as the Stadtpark with its statue of Johann Strauss II, and the gardens of the baroque palace, where the State Treaty was signed.
Vienna, situated on the Danube River in the eastern part of Austria, developed from early Celtic and Roman settlements into a medieval and Baroque city, eventually becoming the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Vienna is also rich in architectural ensembles, particularly Baroque mansions and gardens as well as the late 19th-century Ringstrasse ensemble lined with grand buildings, monuments, and parks.
The property consists of the cityxe2x80x99s medieval core (based on the Roman settlement), the principal Baroque ensembles with their axial layouts, and the Grxc3xbcnderzeit constructions from the beginning of the modern period.
In 1683, Vienna became the capital of the Habsburg Empire and developed rapidly, becoming an impressive Baroque city.
The Baroque character was expressed particularly in the large palace layouts such as the Belvedere Palace and garden ensemble.
A growing number of new palaces were built by noble families, many existing medieval buildings, churches, and convents were altered and given Baroque features, and additions were made to representative administrative buildings.
Criterion (iv): Three key periods of European cultural and political development xe2x80x93 the Middle Ages, the Baroque period, and the Grxc3xbcnderzeit xe2x80x93 are exceptionally well illustrated by the urban and architectural heritage of the Historic Centre of Vienna.
Within the boundaries of the 371xc2xa0ha Historic Centre of Vienna are located all the attributes that sustain its Outstanding Universal Value, including its architectural and urban qualities and layout, and that illustrate its three major phases of development xe2x80x93 medieval, Baroque, and the Grxc3xbcnderzeit xe2x80x93 that symbolize Austrian and central European history.