Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text
The text related to the cultural heritage 'Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region' has mentioned 'Mountain' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence | Text Source |
Jebel Barkalxd8xacxd8xa8xd9x84 xd8xa8xd8xb1xd9x83xd9x84Jebel Barkal is a small mountain(98 meters tall)Jebel BarkalShown within Northeast AfricaShow map of Northeast AfricaJebel BarkalJebel Barkal (Sudan)Show map of SudanJebel BarkalJebel Barkal (Africa)Show map of AfricaAlternativexc2xa0nameGebel BarkalLocationKarima, Northern State, SudanRegionNubiaCoordinates18xc2xb032xe2x80xb212xe2x80xb3N 31xc2xb049xe2x80xb242xe2x80xb3Exefxbbxbf / xefxbbxbf18.53667xc2xb0N 31.82833xc2xb0Exefxbbxbf / 18.53667; 31.82833Coordinates: 18xc2xb032xe2x80xb212xe2x80xb3N 31xc2xb049xe2x80xb242xe2x80xb3Exefxbbxbf / xefxbbxbf18.53667xc2xb0N 31.82833xc2xb0Exefxbbxbf / 18.53667; 31.82833TypeSanctuary UNESCO World Heritage SiteOfficial nameGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan RegionTypeCulturalCriteriai, ii, iii, iv, viDesignated2003 (27th session)Referencexc2xa0no.1073RegionArab States | WIKI |
Jebel Barkal or Gebel Barkal (Arabic: xd8xacxd8xa8xd9x84 xd8xa8xd8xb1xd9x83xd9x84xe2x80x8e) is a very small mountain located some 400xc2xa0km north of Khartoum, in Karima town in Northern State in Sudan, on a large bend of the Nile River, in the region called Nubia. | WIKI |
The mountain is 98 m tall, has a flat top, and apparently was used as a landmark by the traders in the important route between central Africa, Arabia, and Egypt, as the point where it was easier to cross the great river. | WIKI |
In 2003, the mountain, together with the historical city of Napata (which sits at its feet), were named World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. | WIKI |
Gebel Barkal has been a sacred mountain since New Kingdom times (ca. | UNESCO |
The Egyptians believed that their State God Amon resided in this "Holy Mountain". | UNESCO |
Today, the mountain is locally named (Gebel Wad el-Karsani) after a Muslim sheikh (saint) buried near the 100m high, flat-topped sandstone rock. | UNESCO |
The mountain is closely associated with religious traditions, since the tomb of this sheikh is still being visited by the local people for blessings. | UNESCO |
The scene preserved inside the rock-cut temple dedicated to the Goddess Mut and representing King Taharqa worshiping God Amon seated inside the flat topped mountain testifies to the sacred nature of this mountain. | UNESCO |