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The text related to the cultural heritage 'Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region' has mentioned 'Mountain' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence Text Source
Jebel Barkalxd8xacxd8xa8xd9x84 xd8xa8xd8xb1xd9x83xd9x84Jebel Barkal is a small mountain(98 meters tall)Jebel BarkalShown within Northeast AfricaShow map of Northeast AfricaJebel BarkalJebel Barkal (Sudan)Show map of SudanJebel BarkalJebel Barkal (Africa)Show map of AfricaAlternativexc2xa0nameGebel BarkalLocationKarima, Northern State, SudanRegionNubiaCoordinates18xc2xb032xe2x80xb212xe2x80xb3N 31xc2xb049xe2x80xb242xe2x80xb3Exefxbbxbf / xefxbbxbf18.53667xc2xb0N 31.82833xc2xb0Exefxbbxbf / 18.53667; 31.82833Coordinates: 18xc2xb032xe2x80xb212xe2x80xb3N 31xc2xb049xe2x80xb242xe2x80xb3Exefxbbxbf / xefxbbxbf18.53667xc2xb0N 31.82833xc2xb0Exefxbbxbf / 18.53667; 31.82833TypeSanctuary UNESCO World Heritage SiteOfficial nameGebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan RegionTypeCulturalCriteriai, ii, iii, iv, viDesignated2003 (27th session)Referencexc2xa0no.1073RegionArab States
Jebel Barkal or Gebel Barkal (Arabic: xd8xacxd8xa8xd9x84 xd8xa8xd8xb1xd9x83xd9x84xe2x80x8e) is a very small mountain located some 400xc2xa0km north of Khartoum, in Karima town in Northern State in Sudan, on a large bend of the Nile River, in the region called Nubia.
The mountain is 98 m tall, has a flat top, and apparently was used as a landmark by the traders in the important route between central Africa, Arabia, and Egypt, as the point where it was easier to cross the great river.
In 2003, the mountain, together with the historical city of Napata (which sits at its feet), were named World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
Gebel Barkal has been a sacred mountain since New Kingdom times (ca.
The Egyptians believed that their State God Amon resided in this "Holy Mountain".
Today, the mountain is locally named (Gebel Wad el-Karsani) after a Muslim sheikh (saint) buried near the 100m high, flat-topped sandstone rock.
The mountain is closely associated with religious traditions, since the tomb of this sheikh is still being visited by the local people for blessings.
The scene preserved inside the rock-cut temple dedicated to the Goddess Mut and representing King Taharqa worshiping God Amon seated inside the flat topped mountain testifies to the sacred nature of this mountain.