Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text
The text related to the cultural heritage 'Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna' has mentioned 'Mosaics' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence | Text Source |
Pope Adrian I authorized Charlemagne to take away anything from Ravenna that he liked, and an unknown quantity of Roman columns, mosaics, statues, and other portable items were taken north to enrich his capital of Aachen. | WIKI |
Basilica of San Vitale - triumphal arch mosaics. | WIKI |
Fragments of mosaics from the first church are visible on the floor, which is usually covered by water after heavy rains (together with the crypt). | WIKI |
It includes mosaics from the true palace of the Ostrogoth king. | WIKI |
The church of Sant'Eufemia (18th century), gives access to the so-called Stone Carpets Domus (6thxe2x80x937th century): this houses splendid mosaics from a Byzantine palace. | WIKI |
These religious monuments, decorated with precious marble, stuccos and mosaics, reflect the major historical, political and religious events that took place in Ravenna, which became the capital of the Western Roman Empire in 402 AD, and remained prominent first Ostrogothic and then Byzantine capital in Italy through the fifth and sixth centuries. | UNESCO |
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, small but lavishly decorated in the inside with inspiring mosaics against a dark blue background, reflects the Western Roman architectural tradition. | UNESCO |
The Neonian Baptistery, ornate with its inlaid marble, stuccos and multi-coloured mosaics in the cupola, is the finest and most complete surviving example of an Early Christian baptistery. | UNESCO |
From the peak of the Gothsxe2x80x99 reign, the Arian Baptistery preserves mosaics showing the baptism of Christ and iconographic details that reflect principles of the Arian faith. | UNESCO |
The Basilica of Santxe2x80x99Apollinare Nuovo was also built during the reign of Theodoric as a Palatine chapel, with mosaics in traditional Roman style that also show a strong Byzantine influence. | UNESCO |
Lastly, five kilometres from Ravenna we find the Basilica of Santxe2x80x99Apollinare in Classe, an imposing building with its impressive forms, cylindrical bell tower, spacious interiors and rich marbles and mosaics. | UNESCO |
The mosaics are among the best surviving examples of this form of art in Europe and have added significance due to the blending of western and eastern motifs and techniques. | UNESCO |
The mosaics are among the best surviving examples of this form of art in Europe and have an increased significance due to the blending of western and eastern motifs and techniques | UNESCO |
The cultural tradition and technique of mosaics, which play an active role in the cityxe2x80x99s cultural identity, are kept alive through a range of activities aiming to promote knowledge, training, conservation and valorisation of mosaic art. | UNESCO |
Priority actions in the Management Plan include a specific action plan for mosaic conservation, including studies and monitoring of the state of the mosaics in the property conducted by the School of Restoration; an action plan dedicated to the transfer of knowledge and training on mosaic art in schools, from primary schools through to the Fine Art Academy; and a communication action plan implemented using innovative technological tools. | UNESCO |