Occurrence of Attributes in Original Text

The text related to the cultural heritage 'Aksum' has mentioned 'Empire' in the following places:
Occurrence Sentence Text Source
For the ancient empire named after it, see Aksumite Empire.
It is believed the empire began a long and slow decline after the 7th century due partly to the Persians and then the Arabs contesting old Red Sea trade routes.
Eventually the empire was cut off from its principal markets in Alexandria, Byzantium and Southern Europe and its share of trade captured by Arab traders of the era.
The Axumite Empire showing its relation to other polities in 565
As the empire's power declined so did the influence of the city, which is believed to have lost population in the decline, similar to Rome and other cities thrust away from the flow of world events.
The last known (nominal) emperor to reign was crowned in about the 10th century, but the empire's influence and power had ended long before that.
In this period the city of Axum became the administrative seat of an empire spanning one million square miles.
[9] The empire was at its height under Emperor Ezana, baptized as Abreha in the 4th century (which was also when the empire officially embraced Christianity).
This same church was the site where Ethiopian emperors were crowned for centuries until the reign of Fasilides, then again beginning with Yohannes IV until the end of the empire.
The obelisk is widely regarded as one of the finest examples of engineering from the height of the Axumite empire.